Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Report on USI's Last Activities

1) Usi proclaimed on the same day and with a common platform with other alternative trade unions , a general strike for all public and private sectors for the day October 18, 2013, with marches and demonstrations in various parts of Italy . USI participated in the national demonstration on October 19, 2013 organized by various social movements and the right to housing , with a march that was done in Rome.
2 ) on 24 and 25 November 2013 ' was organized by various subject  including trade unions and women's organizations mobilization at the national level to combat violence against women. The USI participated in various initiatives in each city and said , unic union, one day of  general strike to allow the participation of female workers ( and workers) in the demonstrations .
In Rome , in particular, there was a garrison under the Campidoglio( seat of the Municipality of Rome Capital ) to protest against fierce  job cuts that the City of Rome and its contractor companies and cooperatives are doing in pursuing the aim of privatization as the only outlet against the crisis and to protest the cutting of public funds, as always affects women , such as those considered more ' vulnerable who suffer for the first expulsion from the labor market or the lack of jobs.

3 ) From November 27 until December 18 , with 4 seminars at the Laboratorio Sociale Quarticciolo was held by USI  a training course on trade union and labor rights, at higth specific Level  for delegates and unions rappresentants. In May and October 2013 were kept in occupied spaces , two training courses and basic " literacy union " , aimed at male and female workers ( including members to other unions or non-union -e) to give the tools and knowledge on labor rights and on the structure of wages, with the changes that have occurred in Italy in the field of employment, contracts and rights. The meetings were well attended and were produced materials and information documents and analytical commentary , also on DVD.

4) November 19, 2013 , from June after a working group has drafted documents , has  been formed an organizing a committee in Rome , in  which the  USI is a part together with  with the Coordination Schools in Rome, to build an  information campaign and submit a Resolution of the People initiative to be approved by the City Council of the Italian capital Rome , with the aim is removing funding for private schools (mostly religious ) from the balance sheet and the investment of the City and the municipalities, giving those public money to finance the municipal nursery and  public schools .

5 ) to commemorate the death of our comrade Giuseppe Pinelli murdered in the police station in Milan December 15, 1969 after being accused of being the perpetrator of the massacre of Piazza Fontana on 12 December, always at the Laboratorio Social “La Talpa” al Quarticciolo debate with the National Secretary Roberto Martelli and Claudia Santi of the Circle Anarchist Durruti, debate entitled: STATE ‘MASSACRE, ATTACK oF THE RIGHTS , SOCIAL CONFLICT AND CLASS .
Other initiatives on days 12 to 15 December on the same subject have been made in Italy , where they participated comrades USI .

6) November 28th and December 10th meetings of the Committee 2'13 TEATRO PARTECIPATO  whereUSI  is  one of the promoters together with the workers of the TEATRO VALLE OCCUPATO , TEATRO DEL Quarticciolo, in the fight for jobs, and many other subjects. On September 29 , 2013, in a very crowded meeting was presented a document for a project  to all situations and concerned citizens of the territory, for the PARTICIPATION IN THE PUBLIC THEATRE and to combat the tendency at the privatemanagement  on theaters and public spaces for culture.

7 ) 11 and 12 December , 2013, two days initiative and celebration for the 15 years of occupation of the Social Laboratory Quarticciolo " LA TALPA" where there are a part use for  residential purposes and an other use as a socio-cultural  center ,is been  occupied in 1998  in the former police station of this  Neighborhood  of Rome, where there is also from  10 years  an information desk and free support on the rights of working men and women  selforganized  by USI.

8) In the private sector also in 2013 , in Milan, Rome, Foggia USI’s structures have signed agreements with the unions improve the working conditions, also with companies and cooperatives that have procurement and activities at national level , which allowed ,in the companies where there is  USI  as union organization, to obtain the rights and union’s practice for the workers and structures.
In several areas (social assistance , housekeeping, services and trade , educational services and schools, libraries , activities and services in the contract) and in various provinces USI’s sections are at the forefront to protect working men and women , from the  loss of employment and occupation , justified by the " world crises and productive ." There have been also strike organized by USI together with other unions (Cobas , Cub ) in some companies and also in the Health Sector , to maintain the rights and wage regulations on the occasion of management changes in contracted services to individuals, to respond to owners and entrepreneurs who had come to managed those services and activities.
9) between September and November 2013, there have been initiatives, meetings and events organized by the USI also to block funding reduced from 21 million to EUR 14 million, for the management of Public Libraries managed by the Local Municipality of Rome, capital of Italy. Would have forced the closure about 20 public libraries located in various neighborhoods popular and peripheral , of the38 which are in operation . The mobilization of working men and women , actively supported by the trade unions USI, optain that public funding for this year were maintain in the misure necessary to ensure a library service to the citizens ,rejected the attempt to o operate dismissals of those who work.
10) January 19, 2014 , USI and USI’s School participated in the National Assembly of the National Coordination and precarious workers of the School,  where is been planned the project for a national strike of the school for 24 hours, also to support the platform of demands of temporary school and staff teacher and technician . USI triggered the strike procedures provided for by the Italian Ministry of Labour and proclaimed the strike, on the mandate of the National Assembly on January 19 , for April 11 , 2014, thus giving legal coverage and trade union for the day of struggle and mobilization at the national level and also for temporary and precarious . April 11 was date coverage for the strike for those working in educational services not performed by public servants pù ( cafeterias , housekeeping, assistance for the disabled , school transport ) .

11) 4:05 January 2014 was held in Milan, the National Committee of Delegates USi and the meeting of the USI’SNational Executive , with representatives of all the national structures to prepare t the next National Congress of the Confederation , was approved document of  analysis and action drawn up by the national secretariat , which continues the line of political and social union USI , approved in previous congresses and true to its ancient origin.
It is developing at a national level , to support the work and activities in the various provinces where there is already the USI, the union called SLAM USI ( atypical workers - union workers , arts and crafts ) to organize workers and workers who have precarious jobs , and occasional contracts other than the “classic” employee " , working in various sectors and in various activities.
The national meeting has commissioned the update of the means of communication and information of the union, including a new website and the reorganization of the newspaper " LOTTA DI CLASSE " ,and  claim the full legal and lawful ownership and use linked to the activities of trade unions USI .

12) The USI is active together with other unions and committees , in NATIONAL NETWORK FOR THE PROTECTION OF HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK and the territories , who for some years following the main Trial  in occasions of deaths and massacres at Work ( ThyssenKrupp in Turin, ILVA Taranto, port of Ravenna , Genoa, Eternit trial , railway massacre Viareggio and others ... ) promotes information and training on health and safety in the workplace , participates in or organizes meetings and protests. On April 24 there will be next event in Rome on the occasion of the judgment of the Supreme Court (our highest court ) for the trial for the dead and the case of Thyssenkrupp Eternit organized by the national network that will see the active participation of the UNIONE SINDACALE ITALIANA .


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